Usually Summary reports, show up break up of count of records processed of the total records.
Representing these Summary reports through diagrams will help client understand better.
Declare-Chart is used to describe the layout of the chart.
Array is created to store data.
Through Print-Chart we read data from Array and print onto the chart.
Below is one sample code to retrieve data and display in chart.
Create-Array ! This Array is passed to the Print-Chart
Name = emp_hired
Size = 10 ! Maximum of 10 rows of data
Field = count:number:3 ! Fields in each row
Declare-Chart tot_emp_hired
Chart-Size = ( 30,30)
Title = 'Employee Fetched'
Type = histogram
3D-Effects = yes
X-Axis-Label = 'Company'
Y-Axis-Label = 'Employee Hired'
do Stdapi-Init !stdapi.sqc
do Init-DateTime ! datetime.sqc
do Init-Number ! number.sqc
do Get-Current-DateTime! curdttim.sqc
do EmpChartReport
do Stdapi-Term !stdapi.sqc
begin-procedure EmpChartReport
! Load the array with the Chart Data. Max rows is specified in Create-Array
Put 20
Into emp_hired(0) count(0)
Put 12
Into emp_hired(1) count(0)
Put 4
Into emp_hired(2) count(0)
Move 5 TO #x
Move 10 TO #y
Move 3 TO #row
Move 3 TO #col
Print-Chart tot_emp_hired (#x,#y)
Fill = color
Sub-Title = 'Employee hired report'
Data-Array-Row-Count = #row
Data-Array-Column-Count = #col
Data-Array-Column-Labels = ('ABC1', 'ABC2', 'ABC3')
Data-Array = emp_hired
Sample Output:
Representing these Summary reports through diagrams will help client understand better.
Declare-Chart is used to describe the layout of the chart.
Array is created to store data.
Through Print-Chart we read data from Array and print onto the chart.
Below is one sample code to retrieve data and display in chart.
Create-Array ! This Array is passed to the Print-Chart
Name = emp_hired
Size = 10 ! Maximum of 10 rows of data
Field = count:number:3 ! Fields in each row
Declare-Chart tot_emp_hired
Chart-Size = ( 30,30)
Title = 'Employee Fetched'
Type = histogram
3D-Effects = yes
X-Axis-Label = 'Company'
Y-Axis-Label = 'Employee Hired'
do Stdapi-Init !stdapi.sqc
do Init-DateTime ! datetime.sqc
do Init-Number ! number.sqc
do Get-Current-DateTime! curdttim.sqc
do EmpChartReport
do Stdapi-Term !stdapi.sqc
begin-procedure EmpChartReport
! Load the array with the Chart Data. Max rows is specified in Create-Array
Put 20
Into emp_hired(0) count(0)
Put 12
Into emp_hired(1) count(0)
Put 4
Into emp_hired(2) count(0)
Move 5 TO #x
Move 10 TO #y
Move 3 TO #row
Move 3 TO #col
Print-Chart tot_emp_hired (#x,#y)
Fill = color
Sub-Title = 'Employee hired report'
Data-Array-Row-Count = #row
Data-Array-Column-Count = #col
Data-Array-Column-Labels = ('ABC1', 'ABC2', 'ABC3')
Data-Array = emp_hired
Sample Output: