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Saturday, March 11, 2023

Cash Advances: Unable to add cash advance

Sometimes, we may see issues related to users reaching out that they are not able to create cash advances in the system. The Employee ID prompt would throw error as Invalid value.

This is due to the fact that the Cash Advance Level setting on the Employee Organization Profile page is set to None. This makes the employee ineligible to create cash advance.

Cash Advance Level:

Travel and Expenses --> Manage Employee Information --> Update Profile

Below is note from peoplebooks for the Cash Advance Level field:

Select Business Unit to indicate that the maximum amount for the business unit applies to the employee. The system displays the amount.

Select Specific Amount to open a new field to input the maximum advance amount authorized for the employee.

Select None if the employee is not authorized for cash advances.

Image Reference: PeopleSoft Expenses 9.1 PeopleBook (