Lets take an example of ADDRESS record in PeopleSoft.
To identify extended ASCII character first we need to know the ASCII characters range.
ASCII characters range is from 0 - 255 and of them extended ASCII characters range is from 128 to 255.
Let's see the character value of ASCII code 229.
select chr(229) from dual;
Output: å
Below SQL will help us in getting the non-ASCII charactes.
SQL to execute:
select * from ps_addresses where regexp_like(address1,'['||chr(128)||'-'||chr(255)||']');
If we observe, chr function is used to identify the ascii character value and iphen is used to get range (similar to BETWEEN and AND )
The above SQL will get all the rows that have extended ASCII characters present in address1 field.
To identify extended ASCII character first we need to know the ASCII characters range.
ASCII characters range is from 0 - 255 and of them extended ASCII characters range is from 128 to 255.
Let's see the character value of ASCII code 229.
select chr(229) from dual;
Output: å
Below SQL will help us in getting the non-ASCII charactes.
SQL to execute:
select * from ps_addresses where regexp_like(address1,'['||chr(128)||'-'||chr(255)||']');
If we observe, chr function is used to identify the ascii character value and iphen is used to get range (similar to BETWEEN and AND )
The above SQL will get all the rows that have extended ASCII characters present in address1 field.