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Saturday, October 8, 2016

Oralce: SQL to find the BLANK or TAB character in a string.

Below is the SQL that can be used to identify the BLANK characters or TAB characters present at the end of the string.

WHERE regexp_like(ltrim(UPPER(ADDRESS1)), '[[:space:]]$');

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Oracle SQL: Error while Inserting text containing single apostrophe or single quote

When we try to insert data containing single apostrophe we end with error saying ' missing comma' as shown below.

To overcome this error, we need to use Q[string].
This will indicate Oracle that we have a string that contains single quote which needs to be inserted.

Now, let's do a select to view the result.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

SQL to find the Bundle applied on the current version.


Saturday, March 19, 2016

ePerformance: Ability to Control the Display List of Rating Model Description.

In ePerformance rating values are shown in alphabetical order in the dropdown list. This is peopletools default functionality to display the values.

Not always the default rating order matches with the user defined order. Like suppose, users can come up with a rating which is not in alphabetical order.

In such case, we can use below code to display the custom sort order which would match the user defined order.

Below is the code which will help in sorting the rating as per user defined order:

/* Declarations */
Local SQL &SQL;
Local string &type, &descr;
Local string &rating_model;
Local Rowset &Xlat;

/* Field which shows the dropdown list on the page */
&FLD = GetRecord(Record.DERIVED_EP_ADVW).GetField(Field.REVIEW_RATING);
&rating_model = DERIVED_EP_ADVW.RATING_MODEL.Value;

/* Clear the drop down list */

/* Create Rowset that should be filled with Rating values */
&Xlat = CreateRowset(Record.REVW_RATING_TBL);

/* Code to fill the rowset */
&Xlat.Fill("WHERE RATING_MODEL = :1 and effdt = (select max(R1.EFFDT) from PS_REVW_RATING_TBL R1 WHERE R1.RATING_MODEL = RATING_MODEL AND R1.EFFDT <= SYSDATE ) order by EP_RATING DESC ", &rating_model);

/* code to fill the dropdown list */
&j = &Xlat.ActiveRowCount + 1;
For &i = 1 To &Xlat.ActiveRowCount
   &Value = &Xlat.GetRow(&i).REVW_RATING_TBL.REVIEW_RATING.Value;
   &descr = &Xlat.GetRow(&i).REVW_RATING_TBL.DESCR.Value;
   DERIVED_EP_ADVW.REVIEW_RATING.AddDropDownItem(&Value, Rept(Char(9), &j - &i) | &descr);

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

File Layout : How to edit the field starting position for csv file

During development, we may come across requirements where we need to add fields to the file layout.
For file layouts of type CSV, we might have faced issues adding the length attribute for each field in the file layout.

Say , File Layout, accepts maximum 1000 characters in length and as of now there are 10 fields which take upto 950 characters.
If you want to add two new fields 10 char each , then the last field should start at position (950 + length of prior field).
At this stage, the starting position is shown as 1 and is Read Only. Thus we end up unsuccessful in editing the field.

To overcome this, we can change the type of file to TXT and then enter the start position. After that go back to File Type and revert back as CSV and save.

This should now show the new fields with new starting position.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Benefits Tables

Benefit Tables:

PS_DEPENDENT_VW -- Contains information related to Dependent Beneficiaries.
PS_BAS_ACTIVITY    -- Lists all events triggered for an Employee.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Application Engine: Dynamic Message Catalog

Usually , we use Message Catalog to display Warning/Error Messages. Sometimes, due to requirements we are tend to show dynamic messages.

For example, if an Employee applies for a leave, we can show a soft message saying ' Leave approval request sent to Ram,K' assuming 'Ram,K' is the supervisor of the Employee. For other Employee, it could be different supervisor name.

To make use of dynamic message, we use %bind variables in the Message Catalog.

Now in our current post, we will see how to invoke Dynamic messages from with in Application Engine program.

We may come across a requirement, where we need SQL trace only on certain important SQLs.
In general, we set the SQL trace setting in AE process definition which generates trace for all SQLs.

To cater the requirement, we can make use of dynamic messages.
 %bind from Message Catalog is replaced with the data from Parameters section.

Below is the snapshot.

From AE , the Message Catalog uses the Parameters

Message Catalog Entry:

 So the End message could look something like " A total of 1200 rows were inserted from PS_JOB into table PS_REC1_STG